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Old January 8th, 2013, 09:03 AM

Man with No Name Man with No Name is offline
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Default Re: WallWorld2 - 10/10 - Newbie-Intermediate

Originally Posted by Tiavals View Post
If there is a password, the only option is to AI.
If the nation did have a password, then you would still need that password to set the nation to AI. As there is no way to do that outside of the game. The "Set a nation to AI" option on the admin page of the llamaserver is more than just a little deceptive. As if you click on it, it will tell you how to set a nation AI, and tell you that it has to be done from in-game by the player. But it is in no way a "Set a nation to AI" option.

But if you set a Master Passowrd when creating the game, then that can be used in place of any player passwords that might exist. Meaning with a master password, you can never be locked out of a nation, which would be the case if a nation had an unknown password and there was no Master Password. The only solution in such a case would be to let the nation stale until it was eliminated from the game.

tl;dr - ALWAYS set a Master Password.
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