Originally Posted by Miketee10022
So I await any feedback on this.
A word of caution - building working OOBs is harder than it looks at first glance.
I'd advise you to talk to the pro's before you get going, might save you some time. You'll be in for a lot of work nevertheless, just finishing that Congo OOB is going to take you some time, nevermind replacing the mix of countries with obscure nations from say Africa or South America.
You've got to be dead certain why you yourself want this too - because you'll likely do almost all the work yourself. Maybe you'll be the only one using these OOBs in the end too...
...the big idea about several versions of the game encompassing a load of various countries sounds overwhelming to me. Building just the Congo OOB might be doable...
...but what do I know, you might be an induvidual with extreme drive and staying power.