Re: MP YARG4, non newb LA RAND game. WL wins
Seriously? I let the giant grow? I had no border with Caelum until he attacked Arco and that was not that many turns before I attack him. I'm pretty sure I wasn't in a position to *stop* him from getting too big.
I staled due to RL problems, I did ask Amhazir for extensions but I don't think he got them in time. Doesn't matter in the least.
I'm not blaming you for losing, like I said I doubt we could have stopped Caelum.
As for those couple of poor provinces; I gave you at least several turns to *stop* attacking me before I gave up. I even let you take a fort with no opposition, but you didn't stop. Instead you kept going at me and massing troops on my border. So excuse me but how don't a fort down, several (8-10 I think) of my provinces gone and several hundreds troops on my border stop me from trying to stop Caelum? Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question...