October 28th, 2002, 07:55 AM
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Re: 320.2! 301.5, 311.3, 65.4
Originally posted by Skulky:
Well you have to assume that we are not living a dream and that our existence is in some way terminal in its nature and is organic in orign, otherwise death is a complete abstraction, and to be ignored. however, if we're not living in a dream and we test death then well, taht sucks
Why assume we are not living in a dream? Maybe we are! Maybe we are on this earth to learn something. And this is just a big playpen to learn it. It has to appear real, because if we don't accept it as real, we will not take it seriously to learn what we are here to learn. 
Know thyself.
Inscription at the Delphic Oracle.
Plutarch Morals
circa 650 B.C.