Bogus orders: if you Charm the visiting heroes, they come with pre-set orders of Fire/Attack commanders. The rule is about not copying those orders to other commanders.
Lab filling. After you done with all your research, you dump 30 Lanterns (or other garbage items) on your enemy. The lab gets full, and there is no space to put newly forged items, and those are lost.
Ettin: CBM 1.92 has a bug with Ettins (Giant thug chassis) can be recruited from some magic sites like Shambler City. There is a fix for that.
Scout blocking: using your scout (cheap disposable commander) to attack a large army in order to spoil their movement.
Originally Posted by Athenspatch
Disallowed exploits: Bogus orders, lab-filling, scout blocking, recruit 0 gold ettins... just play nice.
Can you explain these exploits? I wouldn't intentionally 'break' the game, but would like to understand what lab-filling does and the process involved in blocking a scout...