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Old April 17th, 2012, 10:13 AM

Legendary League Legendary League is offline
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Default Re: LA Newbie Game: Blood Sacrifices (BS!) [recruiting]

Originally Posted by Immaculate View Post
Define Newbie? I've played about 8-10 MP games. If you'll still have me, i would join as Patala.
I define newbie as ~10 games or less.

Also, i require first turn sets to start at 30h or even 28h instead of 24. This is because i often work 12-16h shifts and cannot submit until 11 or 12pm after submitting at like 8 the night before (27-28h differences). I can still submit every day in the early game- i just can't submit on exactly a 24h schedule.
That's fine.

MAPS: I don't like the start coding on Land of Legends even though the map itself is pretty cool. I find that i often start with only two neighboring provinces, neither of which provinces good resources. And if you are resource constrained for your starting troops, this can be very bad indeed.
There are a couple revised "fix" starts for Land of Legends which help fix that problem, but we can take that into account.

Any preference on the maps listed? The final map will likely determine the number of players we use. I don't want more than 12 players if we're going to use Shadowshore, but Riverlands I'd prefer to hit 14 players. I'm honestly leaning towards Riverlands this game, but Oriana is another good map (when the glaringly OP sites are removed, of course).

I'm naturally going to assume R'lyeh would prefer Oriana (due to concentration of water provinces), and Atlantis and Marignon would prefer Riverlands (due to sailing).
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