Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Procyon: When I click on your name the dropdown gives me an option for Private Messaging (which wasn't there before so that is good), but then I still get a message that either you won't receive PM's or you aren't allowed. Not sure what's up.
Anyway. I got your message in game (Caelum). Wanted to reply back here so we don't have any unfortunate conflicts (I'll send more detailed message in game).
I am fine with spirit of the post. No need for hostilities between us.
The province on the other side of the bridge from you. I am next to it and will attack into it this turn since its on my side. If you are unsure what I'm referring to, send me a post back.
Cheers Mate!