Mandred's brow angled sharply in a frown that at once seemed to convey stern concentration and summary disapproval as the last of the tattered hordes from Fomoria fled back to the north in ruins.
As his Ancient One warriors speared the stragglers and finished off the crippled: too maimed to flee, too weak to give a proper fight, Mandred found hastily scrawled missives apparently calling for aid against the 'pale beasts'.
His eyebrow raised briefly for just an instance in genuine shock as he took in the full measure of disinformation being sent to other nations. Surely some had let fly already, but this pack of letters at least would reveal what lies this disrespectful nation of Fomoria would tell.
Inexcusable. Not only had they left the negotiating table after one bout of correspondence during which Mandred had removed his troops from the contested Werk Enum province to prevent any possible unintended conflict, but Fomoria had shed first blood attempting to push even farther into Agartha's homeland.
And now to top it off they send missives painting Agartha as the aggressors. One thing is clear now. Fomoria and Agartha cannot peacefully coexist. Too much Agarthan blood has been split and Fomoria has proven that they lack the honor all warriors should live by.
Mandred issued the call urging the Seal Guards forth to leave the Seal undefended. Once again the drum beats of war announce impending funerals and give Agartha's enemies warning and time to settle their debts and say goodbye to their loved ones.
Last edited by Excist; January 10th, 2012 at 04:18 PM..