I still think winSPMBT and winSPWW2 are the greatest tactical level games around. Their campaign generation ability gives them a never ending playability. I have been playing them for year... Just an opinion. However, with that said, it would be great if one could play them on a Tab with Android OS. Basically because I have one and can`t.... But I`m not sure that it would be a waste of time. Look at the games that are currently available for Tab. Old hack. Stuff that was available on PC ages ago. People need an alternative like SPMBT and SPWW2.
I`m a hobbyiest programmer - but never done anything other than Soduko... Would be willing to assist in a project to upgrade or convert SPMBT and SPWW2.
Unless of course somebody really decides to upgrade it into a 3D version with all the bells and tringkets.