Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
Niefl Jarls could stand to be nerfed. Niefl *Giants* not as much. In fact, its generally considered better to ignore the Niefl Giants at the moment and use Jotun Skinshifters.
I'll redirect you to Peter's elegant post named before. You should really stop using "it's commonly used that way among Llamaserver MP competitive community" as it stands for "it's commonly used that way in Dominions 3". I play outside of Llamaserver as well, and I see Niefle Giants rushes commonly.
And you still haven't answered the question: namely what other bless even conceivably works with them. Maybe because there isn't one?
I'll redirect you again to Peter's post, but suffice to say that I think they are (or should be) a valid option for other blesses, like W6F6, or N9, for example. It's not that other blesses do not work with them, but that E9N4-6 is much better than any other bless (for MP compettitive play among veterans in 10-15 provinces per player maps at least). If CBM wants to balance things out, maybe they should balance what is the most ubiquitous strategy in the game. E9 bless is seen in all ages, in several nations.
I believe the Niefl Giant gold to attack ratio is 125g per attack, for anyone keeping track.
Like it matters.... A group of 5+ Niefl giants produce such a cold aura that they would kill any non-cold inmune chaff by hundreds in no time. If Ashdod Giants would have a Fire Aura, I wouldn't find their 150g88r encumbrance 7 overpriced. They don't have, though. So they are overpriced.
You're wrong as a matter of fact here. Gorgon is available to multiple nations, but was only nerfed because of its availability to Sauromatia. Either QM or Llamabeast, maybe both, have said as much. So there's something specific to Sauromatia as to why it was nerfed, and as the chassis strength is clearly a feature of it in itself, that clearly isn't it because the Pans also had full access to that.
By multiple nations you mean Pangea? Or id there another one?
Recruitable sacreds, otoh, and recruitable thugs, are nation specific. The logical conclusion is Sauromatia was a problem because the cheap E9N4 bless with an awake SC was too much due to the bless effect on Sauromatia's recruitables. (Whether it was thugs or troops is rather irrelevant).
Currently you can have cheap E9N4 bless with sauromatia with several options. Great Mother allows you E9N4 with Dom6 and 1 net positive scale, while the Gorgon let you have the same with 2 net positive scales. The diference in cost is not so high. The difference in effectiveness is, becouse Gorgon Chasis is 100 times better than Great Mother chasis.