Originally Posted by triqui
Until it fell off from the favor of masses to be replaced by E9N4-8, W9F9 was actually "the" must have bless in almost any guide. It was not until Thugs and SC replaced completely troops in the most usual playstyle, that E9 replaced W9F9. So the whole "half the sacreds need E9N4" is utterly wrong. Actually, most the time, E9N4 is the bless you put to your thugs to save gems for reinvigoration items.
And why did it fall out of favor? Because the people taking thug-based blesses were winning perhaps?
Niefl Giants do not work with any blesses beside E9+N4+. Unsurprisingly, they are also size 5 giants with good defenses and few attacks. Would you like to complain about that too? The alternative to E9+N4+ is to *not use* Niefl Giants and use Jotun Skinshifters instead.
W9 with Fomoria usually means its using Morrigans, not Unmarked. Certainly not massing unmarked well past the expansion phase.
Was there a different bless that worked on Anakim pre-nerf which no longer works?
What would you like to see work on them that wouldn't make them unstoppable monsters if someone did take E10N4?
ie, what is actually hurt unduly by this change? Or were you expecting CBM to dramatically change the unit so new bless possibilities were available for it?
No bless is a also a valid choice - you aren't required to use your sacreds or invest in a blessing.
(And on Sauromatia in particular - there may have been guides which suggested other things, but in practice E9N4 was so ubiquitous that the Gorgon pretender was nerfed specifically because of Sauromatia).