Re: Egypt sandbag HMG pit with NVG circa 1957
Never bought it - 1970s prices were ridiculous (£25 a unit?). I think my brand-new 125cc Honda CG125 cost about £190 as a comparison.
A couple of guys in the wargames club did play each other (those who had splashed out on umpteen very expensive boxed sets). Since they were unwilling to loan out to others, only they knew the system. We just watched over their shoulders as they argued between shuffling bits of paper on a little hex-map.
Everyone else bought a few dozen 1/300 models at 15p a pop, and a WRG rule book for a couple of pounds. The club provided tables and terrain.
When SP came out, it was the look & feel of proper 1/300 wargaming that sold it to me. You could turn those naff hexes off, which added to the effect.