Thread: Rally question
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 04:45 PM

runequester runequester is offline
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Default Re: Rally question

Originally Posted by Kartoffel View Post
The real reason I started this thread was to receive an answer on how to effectively rally without sounding like the moron doesn't know how to effectively rally asking the question directly. In all my years of playing I have not figured it out and I have recently started playing scenarios of the difficulty that makes knowing how to rally of sufficient import to be of game losing/winning importance. Rather than providing the boiler plate directive to read the manual is there a possibility of pointing out a cliff notes version that I may partake of? I ask this because I was not able to locate a heading for "rally" under the manual TOC and I would rather not spend and evening reading the entire thing if I could avoid it. So gang, how about helping out an ignorant long time player?
I'd be happy to try and help but I am a little uncertain of what you are looking for.

Are you wanting to know how rallying works in game mechanics, or how to best use it as a player?

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