Amazing work! Thanks GFSnl, this might be the best new nation mod I've ever played~
But I also noticed a bug, that the infected version of wolf has replace the old one, thus all the wolf in the game, at least replaced their sprites, since other nation won't get parasite from them. And when I tried a test wish of the rest infected animals, it seems the tiny y"spider" has been replaced by infected hunter spider. This may or may not be a problem in the game process, but I guess it won't take much effort to fix
And some balance issue, the fungus are already really powerful on magic paths, the cap only mage can be W3, A3 or N3, while the three second phase fungi mages can be even A4, N4 or W4, not to mention it's an amphibian nation with underwater mages,and a nation with countless free spawns. Wouldn't it be a little op by give all of them auto communion?