Re: Conceptual Balance Mod v1.92
Before I begin, getting an Air 2 Dai Oni on your first turn is like winning the lottery.
They have a 25% chance of coming with Air 1. Air 2 is another 10% x 25%. So that would be:
1/4 x 1/4 x 1/10 = 1/160
That means that 1 out of every 160 Dai Onis will have Air 2.
Yeah. Real dependable.
Getting back on topic, I think that maybe the Heat Scale 1 change wouldn't be a good thing on second thought. My main reason was the fact that they hail from a volcano and the netherworld. But, now that I think about it, they also consist of many humans and bakemono, who don't care for it either.
However, I still believe sorcerers need a change.
I have played Yomi a lot. And by a lot, I mean a lot. I test them all the time because I love their theme, and people tend to treat them as "weak" and I enjoy the challenge of trying to make them shine.
I have only joined the forums recently, but I have down many test games in private through e-mail with my brother, LongBrodie, and in singleplayer.
From my tests, I can tell you, without a doubt, that Yomi has some serious issues holding them back:
1) Sorcerers die from old age in DROVES. While they are better researchers monetarily, it doesn't really pay off later when they are dying before you get your money's worth out of them.
2) Yomi needs the Growth Scale to support the Sorcerers. Yet, Yomi has a very, very limited selection of Pretenders, and none that are thematic. Their ability to take Growth is only viable if they take a scale-monster as their Pretender, which isn't very useful as they need magical diversity to support their redundant mages.
3) Yomi needs Air magic. They need it. Without it, they are severly limited in their capacity to fight certain nations. They become a one trick pony that is very, very easily countered. Air alleviates this problem somewhat, opening them up to flying sacred Tengu and other wonderful spells.
My main argument is that giving them the ability to have Air 2 would free up the Pretender to get other magic or other scales, such as Growth, which would in turn allow them to support the sorcerers. There would be nothing stopping you from taking Air anyway, but it wouldn't be an absolute necessity.
I can sit here and argue this into the ground or until I am blue in the face with theorycrafting all I want, but I recommend you guys check out the mod and play a few games with it and tell me if you think it is "overpowered" or not by seeing for yourselves.
I just ask that you please, please consider them in comparison with other powerhouses such as Hinnom, Sauromatia, Mictlan and Niefelheim.