Originally Posted by sidhos
Gandalf, yes, I use PD. Typically I place 10 in every province I conquer, then start placing 20 when I see the first enemy.
I recall reading 11 PD is recognized more than 10 PD... and 21 PD more than 20 PD and so on by increments of ten. I think it was research from Gandalf.
Originally Posted by sidhos
I've tested the beeline thing. It doesn't happen 100 percent, but it happens very often. Sent a scout back along the line that the AI traveled. It never strayed from a straight course to me. Usually I leave the AI "personality" as random. Maybe this is the aggressive behavior?
It would be interesting to see how an AI opponent expands and behaves with the different personalities where the scales, pretender, starting location, nation and map were all the same.