That has never been the case for me. Are you sure you aren't playing Starcraft, or maybe Civilization V?
lol No, never played Starcraft and I loved the Civ series right up to the fifth one. Just can't get into it. Maybe Dominions has spoiled me with such a wide variety of nations and options.
Gandalf, yes, I use PD. Typically I place 10 in every province I conquer, then start placing 20 when I see the first enemy.
I've tested the beeline thing. It doesn't happen 100 percent, but it happens very often. Sent a scout back along the line that the AI traveled. It never strayed from a straight course to me. Usually I leave the AI "personality" as random. Maybe this is the aggressive behavior?
Just for the record, I'm not complaining that the AI is too hard, as I have noticed many of the things you guys complain about. My only challenge with the AI is probably my own doing. I like to have very solid armies in EVERY border province, which can get expensive on a large map, so I tend to expand slower than what I read about in the guides.