Re: Unexplained battle ending
You definitely won, with the losses as reported in the summary and shown by the units still in the province. I'm not sure how you can tell how many turns the battle ran. What you see in the replay may have no relation to how the actual battle went, depending on when the glitch occurred.
If you think about it, it's easy to see how even one changed random number can throw off a battle. If even a minor unit dies because of the glitch, all the following actions will be using different rolls, because that unit won't be taking his actions and using his random numbers up. Or if he survives when he should have dies, it's the other way around.
And then someone important dies and doesn't get an important spell off or something and the whole battle plan goes awry.
I've long suspected that this bug happens more often than we realize and we just don't notice it when it doesn't change the outcome of a battle or drastically change the survivors. If you lose a couple more archers or meatshields in a major battle, who'd notice?