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Old June 5th, 2011, 07:31 AM

Oor-tael Oor-tael is offline
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Default Re: Unexplained battle ending

Originally Posted by Kobal2 View Post
No, it's the other way around: the battle report and results are what really happened. The replay is where the game throws a cog for some reason - the game should let you see what happened, but because of X it seems to run the battle with different RNG numbers that what random numbers did get rolled and logged.
So you're telling me that in fact I truly won the battle, and killed all of his mist-formed double-regen'ed abominations and this battle ended around turn 43-45 as I counted ?
There must have been massive errors in random numbers, then !

(a difference in game versions in unlikely, but I'll check just in case)
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