It was a good game,
For what it's worth, I think I dropped the ball when the war with Ulm and Midgard started, I shouldn't have left Midgard alone to fight you but I really didn't expect TC to join that war.
On the Ulm side, I should have really attacked Bandar first and swept trough that continent rather than send very limited amount of troops over the seas backed by a few tarts, it took too long, but I had a too long NAP with BL.
Another thing that really killed me was the lack of magic diversity, the only useful indies I found were enchantresses shamefully. And tho I had the largest mage force in the game, probably twice as large as you Pythium, they had a severally limited usage. There just wasn't a lot I could do with S1D1 mages even tho I kept bringing 40 to every battle.
If only I had those adepts of the iron order like Jotun...
I made some rookie mistakes, like sending RoS tartarians with a mage scripted to cast VoR and forgetting to put the mage behind and alike.
As for my SCs, ha, it's really annoying when you can't GoR tartarians since you have an army passing trough your tart factory so you can't select them.

I still have about 20 SCs left, and I can still keep popping out a lot of tartarians, but I have no equipment for them, and neither the gems to GoR them anymore. The poor felas had to share the items frequently, I guess it taught them a little about brotherhood.
One things for sure, after this game I've really started to hate tartarians, shattered soul 25 my ars!
A funny thing too, I had 4 tartarians summoners, but only 1 of them was in my cap, but somehow it was always him that ever managed to summon a commander tartarin, and the damn tartarians always decided to pillage my cap with 36000 pop and dom 10 GONB on the single turn he was there, ingrates...
Anyway, congrats Corwin, it was a gentlemans game and your admining was superb. I look forward to killing you a bit sooner next time.