Originally Posted by Executor
Ouch, that was unpleasant.
Well I kinda half way gave up after that bloody massacre on the central front, still not sure how I lost that one. 
I've actually watched that battle closely during replay, since it was the most important battle of our war. Well, if you are interested in my opinion - I think it was a combination of several things. But me using my water/blood tartarian as a secret weapon during that great battle has played a large part in it. That tartarian alone has banished to inferno 4 of your SCs before they had a chance to engage in melee, including some of your best anti-SC ("boxing" grendlekins). Also my best Tartarian Titan equipped with Mage Bane and best items that gems could buy had fatigued and killed one or two of yours in SC vs SC duels. All together that has shifted number of SCs on both sides from aprox. parity that we had in the beginning of battle toward me having advantage in numbers of meleeing SCs. Plus the quality of my remaining SC vs your remaining SC was slightly better - I had a couple of Ember Lords, Water Queen and Gredlekin, in addition to regular tartarians we both used. But that was a minor factor.
Perhaps you may have won that battle (or at least made it into draw) if you would keep your SCs in the back for the first 5 turns, beyond the reach of my Claws spell. Or if you would screen your SCs with non-GORed tartarians. (Both these tactics I that I was planning to employ against DrP's blood magic in the next few turns, should we continue playing

) But in your defense - that was the first time I've used blood magic against you in battle, so you didn't know to expect it. Also sending more of your mages into that battle would help too - you've wiped out my mages very efficiently early, but you didn't send too many of your own mages into battle. Since the battle had lasted for a very long time, and you've successfully sabotaged my anti-magic spell, eventually your mages would likely paralyze and soulslay some of my SCs if there would be more of them.
Nevertheless it was a close call. You didn't slay any of my SCs but you've come very close with several of them. And pretty much all of my melee SCs got a lot of nasty afflictions. I even had to pause my tartarian factory and organize improv Chalice-powered hospital in that province where we've fought battle. Even now two turns later more most of the participating SCs are still recovering from their wounds. BTW that's why I didn't counterattack you on the central front the next turn after battle - most of my SCs were crippled, and I wanted to heal them before sending them again into battle.
Anyway, just my two cents.