Originally Posted by ExplorerBob
sgqwonkian has a lot of stuff on his hands, and so; it hasn't always been easy for me to get in touch with him either, in the past few months. He will eventually respond, but it could take some time.
If you want, I could dig up a copy of WW from my non-broken machine and look over your mod, to see if I can find the problem. I don't have anything better to do with Weird Worlds right now anyway, since the computer that broke down is my main development machine and I don't have access to Odd Adventures v003 right now.
Other than looking at it in person, I'm afraid I can only give you general advice: 1) SDL relates primarily to sound and graphics, I think, and sgqwonk once said that those are the primary causes of most WW crashes. Thus, it's most likely a problem with either the graphics themselves, or, more probably, an item that tries to reference a picture that doesn't exist.
Yes, I understand that, but you are misunderstanding the scale of my games. In (this mod) I have none of the original items or quests. Nothing is original. All item/ships/races/planet/quests are custom made by me. So it's not like I can just look at the last items I changed. I am a very efficient worker and most of my work (on this mod) was done within 24 hours.
But yea, I understand what the SDL failure is from, it's just like I said, I am working on multiple things and I wanted him to take a look. It's not that big a deal, I could fix it if I sat down for an hour and worked, but my mind in is not in that games universe. I am focusing on some other mods for WW as well as other mods for other games.