Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Let it be known that Hinnom has wilfully and irrevocably broken a NAP 3 this turn, with no excuses but greed. Certainly there was no "they had it coming" beyond choosing a target to betray.
Any agreement with them should be treated as non-existent as no agreement can be binding with someone who cannot and does not abide by them himself.
Furthermore, as this is Hinnom, without a doubt one of the top two most powerful nations in a magic weak EA game, it is in the best interests of every nation on his borders to stop him now. Should he gain control of the NE corner of the map, where his betrayal happened, none of you will ever stop him and he will roll the map fully secure on three sides.
This is your one and only chance. Join with Caelum now to break the oathbreakers lest you be the next target of betrayal, and rest assured they will be much stronger than you will be when the time comes. Don't cower in the corner waiting for your turn to fry. He is distracted north. You will not get a better time.
Anyone who does will be handsomely rewarded. If you don't, after I am gone, I will remind you of your opportunity lost when the giants come marching to YOUR gates...
Anyone willing to coordinate feel free to PM me.