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Old September 29th, 2010, 09:08 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: USSR vs. Germany - Tikuin, USSR


I've gone with Defense Plan 2, slightly modified using Brian's suggestion. Instead of one tank battalion on each flank, my north(right) flank has 42 tanks and my south(left) has 22 tanks. The northern area beyond the trees is more open and better suited for tanks. Additionally, the enemy will likely advance down the road quicker than any place else. My northern force will take the battle to the enemy. The southern tank force will also strike at the enemy, but if things get to be too much, the can retreat back to their revetments and hold there.

My infantry line has a row of mines and a row of dragon's teeth. Tanks will get there quickly and might push through a row of mines without damage. The dragon's teeth need to be cleared before they get through. Sometimes, the AI tanks will skirt along the dragon's teeth, so eventually the mines will score. Unfortunately, my infantry doesn't have any long range AT capability, so they get to sit back and watch the activity to their front. My ATGs are deployed to cover the flanks of my infantry line, just incase the enemy manage to get a few units around. The guns aren't good against front armor, anyhow. For support, I have 12 AA guns. Those are deployed destroy planes and not necessarily to support the main line.

For the first turn or two, I'll hold fast to determine where the enemy's main trusts are coming from. There will be over 100 tanks coming at me, so I will need to know how those numbers are deployed to best use my tanks.

Rather than putting another screen print that will be similar to what I've already put in this thread, I'm attaching my save after deployment, but before the first turn starts.
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