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Old August 31st, 2010, 02:15 PM
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Default Re: STACKERS, newbie game, (started)

Originally Posted by Nauquan View Post
I took out Absyia's pretender who had at least one global up. I figure some of C'tis global casters died due casting spells and suffering horrors from the astral corruption before it was dispelled. I have been hit with a few rituals too - not sure where they are coming from.
All 3 of those things could cause globals to be announced but not appear.
The games coding is very linear. When someone casts a global, the message is created. If something else later in the turn sequence takes out that caster then the global might be removed but not the message IIRC.

Note that the casting of globals occurs on step 5, and the actual effects of globals is figured into the game on step 16
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