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Old July 30th, 2010, 01:01 PM
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Default Re: Wide screen BETA test - for CD owners only

Originally Posted by Wdll View Post
One thing, lately I like to play in windowed mode while watching tv on the side of the screen. My desktop resolution is 1920x1200. So I set the game resolution to 1280x1024 so that I have enough room on the right side.
How can I change the resolution so that I both have desktop resolution 1920x1200 and play in windowed mode at a smaller than desktop, widescreen resolution? For example 1280x800 (16:10)

Other than that, it looks great on Vista 64 Home Premium, 8GB RAM, Q9550, Radeon 4870X2.
You don't - it is called desktop mode, since it takes the entire screen real estate.

I tried a version with customisable widths and heights. Unfortunately the old WinVFX graphics library will make total hash out of some width and height combinations - e.g. by displaying the GFX skewed diagonally and wrapped around the window. Or simply producing a smeared line in the middle of the window. (In windowed mode, WinVFX allows a flag to resize the window, but due to an internal code error, though the window area happily resizes on dragging with the mouse - the actual window contents do not.)

By using the current windows desktop resolution we are sure that the windows implementation is set to a supported mode, at least for windowed mode. There remains the odd case of some video cards not being able to do full-screen mode at the current desktop resolution though.

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