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Old July 30th, 2010, 09:48 AM
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Default Wide screen BETA test - for CD owners only

Attached is a zip file containing the following 2 updated files for BETA testing.
- GameOptions.exe
- WinSPMBT.exe (version 5.02x)

1) Should you wish to ensure that you can revert to the normal Version 5.0 without having to reinstall from scratch then first copy the existing 2 files BEFORE applying the zip!

2) Now, unzip the files to your game root folder (\Program files\Shrapnel
Games\The Camo Workshop\WinSPMBT), and allow the overwriting of the 2 original files.

3) On launching the game options programme, you will now have the following extra screen option added to your CD owner's additional resolutions in GameOptions.exe : Desktop

Desktop mode works in full screen or windowed mode.
In both modes, it uses the current desktop resolution you have set up currently in windows as the desired screen resolution
Windowed mode - leaves the task bar visible at the bottom of the screen.
Full screen mode - uses the full screen in 256 colour palletised mode

This has already been alpha tested on Windows 98, XP and vista machines with both normal 4:3 aspect ratios and also wide screen (1920x1080) monitors.

The purpose of the beta test is to see if the new Microsoft Windows 7 causes any issues. In especial, it (and possibly Vista) apparently have problems with 256 colour full screen palette games, since these new operating systems use the 256 colour palette for their own purposes. It may well be that Vista/Windows 7 will mandate the use of windowed mode because of this.

Q) I want (insert one of my monitors modes) desktop. How do I do that?.
A) Clear any running applications down, then use the normal windows change desktop features to select the desired new screen resolution. Now launch the game in desktop mode and it will use the newly set windows desktop resolution.

Q) My icons are stretched!.
A) Some of the resolutions that Windows allows (especially on wide screen monitors) produce non-square icons, even for Windows' own desktop icons. If the Windows shortcut icons on your desktop are elongated then it is highly likely that the game will also be stretched. Solution - select a monitor
mode that produces reasonably square icons.

Q) I get a DirectX error message
A) That means that your video card cannot drive the screen at that resolution. (Probably in full screen mode). One of our playtesters also received this at one particular resolution - higher and lower modes worked fine. Conclusion was that the video card in question was probably broken (otherwise higher resolutions would not have worked).

Q) I cannot set higher resolutions than 800 despite installing these files
A) This beta is for the CD version only. It will not work with the free version which only supports 640 and 800 4:3 mode.
Attached Files
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