To Baalz: Got it, thank you for the helpful info. So do you feel that llamaserver with such automated setup is actually better than having a regular Dom3 server?
To all potential players:
Ok, here is the current list of players who have expressed an interest in joining this game:
1. Baalz
2. Aethyr
3. Squirreloid
4. Dimaz
5. Fakeymcfake
6. Myself
7(?) DonCarlazon (thinking, depending on personal commitments)
So we have 6 solid players in less than 24 hours. Not bad at all.

I think once we have about 10 players we are good to go, but the more good players the better.
Some things are shaping up in based upon your guys feedback so far. We are certainly going to use at least these two mods - CBM and Endgame Diversity mod. The dimplomacy is probably going to be fully allowed - it's just too damed fun, even if it has its drawbacks.

We will likely use llamaserver for our hosting.
The choice of nations will likely be semi-random, where each player would add one nation to the pool and then get randomly assigned nation from the pool. The twist to this system Aethyr has mentioned ("Players were gauranteed that they *would not* receive the nation they had nominated") is interesting, but I don't think we should use it in our game - such twist will almost certainly result in the weakest nations being selected by all players.
Graphs will be on.
Few questions for you future players:
1. Which map would you suggest for us to use? (let's consider two scenarios - one where we have about 10 players, and another with 15+ players)
2. Are there any other mods you would recommend for us to use together with CBM and Endgame Diversity mods, that you feel might enhance overall game experience?
3. Are there any houserules you would suggest for this game? Personally I suggest that we use a houserule that would prohibit Forge of Ancients and Arcane Nexus - I think they are just too unbalanced for a long MP game.
4. Which Era do you prefer to play and why? (if you have a preference) Should some nations be prohibited for being overpowered even with CBM mod, or is it not necessary because CBM balances nations enough?