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Old May 4th, 2010, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: MA Nation: Shangri-La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters v1.45 (Apr. 2010)

Awesome feedback, mehrunes_dagon. Much thanks.

Originally Posted by mehrunes_dagon View Post
Played the game to the final stage (against mighty AI). Got nearly killed at the beginning, due to low income of money and gems.
Yeah, that's a pretty serious disadvantage at the beginning. Did you tend to get a lot of your sacreds and hidden masters? (At 60 or 70 a pop for the sacreds, and 400 for an HM, that's quite an expensive proposition.)

I like no-upkeep troops but most Shangri-La summons cost money. The only exception IMHO are Klu and Yetis.

Globu, why Klu mages are free, but undead and demon summoned infantry is not? I suggest that demons/undead should cost no money but bring unrest and/or eat population.
Good point. I'll look into that.

And why no difference between two forms of Klu? Judging by description, human form should at least travel faster. But the only difference i noticed is lack of boots slot on serpent form.
I haven't checked out the summons in too much detail yet, but it's about time to. Yeah, you're right about that. Plus AP should be lower on the serpent form, and a few other things. That's definitely on the list of things to fix for the next version or so.

I suggest that human form be made faster, not cold-blooded, and unable to go underwater.
Makes sense. I'll check the vanilla nagas and check for other appropriate points of difference.

In general this nation is interesting to play. It does not look overpowered, though has full magic coverage and powerful priests.

Crowds of yeti are good against most middle-era nations, but the problem is to survive the beginning with 9 water dormant pretender and lucky scales, and find enough water gems.

With construction 6, evocation 4 and conjuration 6, and some earth and air gems, crowd of thunder-striking theurangs is a win.

With scales set to easy win later in the game, surviving debut is difficult. So playing this nation is interesting.
Again, great feedback! Will fix the klu/naga and upkeep issues (which I suspect are likely from copy-pasted stats, and Nounours simply forgot to zero out the gcosts), and look forward to any more feedback you have if you play more.

Oh, as an aside, I'd like to know what you think about the changes to the Rje and Gelug gold costs, having played through with it. And about whether it would be a good idea to throw priest 1 on the Rje, gameplay-wise (the description would need to be edited slightly to adjust for it, obviously).
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