Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game
Ench 9 was obvious from having cast Thetis's Blessing. Everyone knew that already.
Similarly, my large F income is obvious because of the Pillar of Fire global.
I mean, its not like i've been making any statements that aren't independently verifiable.
My research lead isn't that big when you figure a lot of that lead was spent on crap like Ench 9. I mean, I'm not *that* far ahead of, say, you.
I should also note that you demonstrably have Conj 8, which I do not. Heck, you may well have Conj 9. Speaking of guilty consciences, your quip about tarts might be revealing of your own motives, eh?
And making a quick dash for the capital of nations I have standing treaties with? Ha! Nothing quick about that. I, sir, am a man... err... well-embalmed corpse of my word.