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Old April 14th, 2010, 03:16 AM
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Default Ordeal for turn 41: The Four Horsemen

Ordeal for turn 41: The Four Horsemen

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

As most of you know form the common prophesies, the apocalypse was originally intented to be performed by the Four Horsemen. Death, War, Pestilence and Famine. But as I desided to leave this realm to a new ruler instead of destroying it, I banished them to Tartarus as their purpose became moot.

However, it seems that the Four have somehow managed to escape tartarus to wreck destruction upon this realm as per their mission. However, they seem to be greatly weakened by their escape and do not hold their tools of vengeance. But I am sure that some spark of their formal might still lives in them and it would be wise of you pretenders to destroy them as soon as possible.

They seem to be heading towards the central island, towards my realm with fanatical adherance. Stop them! Prevent the gathering of the four!

Sorry, I apparenlty forgot to send a in-game message of this ordeal. Hopefully all of you have learned to cehck the forums regurarly for new developments.

This turn "Ghost Riders" were casted at 4 different provinces over the world. Those dudes are the four horsemen. The attacks will move towards the central island, using the shortest path possible. If the "Ghost Rider" attack is defeated, that horseman is dead for good and its slayer will get a boon to their total.

If a horseman gets to one of the four uw provinces bordering the cental island, all player who got attacked by that horseman lose boon (for failing to stop him). If two horsemen end up in the same province, they will combine forces and s'it will happen. If three of them combine forces, big s'it happens. If all four get together, you're all in big trouble.

Originally Posted by militarist View Post
Burnsaber,set me please to AI, I send turn and killed it.And it appeared like I sent a wrong file. Thanks everybody for the game, especially Baalz .
If you want to turn AI, that's okay I guess, but you can still put up a fight. Get some defenders to your caps and kill as many as you can. However, in any case it is *much* easier for you to set the nation AI that it is for me. I'd appriciate it if you did it.

Originally Posted by Baalz View Post
Game's not over yet, just the giants.
This is definately true. All sorts of nasty nations are still in the game..
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