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Old March 7th, 2010, 02:21 PM
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Default Results for the Ordeal of the Silver Tongue

Originally Posted by Isokron View Post
So the pantakrator was who had stolen Satinas robe, she seemed mightily upset to have to go to battle without it. She was so ashamed that she run away before I had a chance to kill her though, so i guess it doesnt matter.
The Pantokrator steals whatever item of clothing that happens to please him!

On the same vein, if you happen to meet Solaris, he's a bit of a pushover now.

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

I have counted the votes and the results are as follows:

Ashdod: Voted by Atlantis, MA T'ien C'hi, EA Lanka, LA Jomon, EA T'ien C'hi

R'lyeh: Voted by Shinuyama, Hinnom

Hinnom: Voted by LA C'tis, Voted by R'lyeh

MA T'ien C'hi: Voted by Ashdod

Ashdod has earned the right to be my Divine Servant and riches belonging of that position will be made to be his!

R'lyeh will receive the treasure of the Lord of the Rings, one glorious ring for each tentacle.

Hinnom will be granted the Legacy of the Burgmeister hero, so that they can remember that even the small ones can achieve big deeds.

I also Have updated the boon tables with following changes:

Items: Con6 items can now be awarded.

Gems: One additional die will be rolled to determinate the amount of gems

Gold: 10 additional dices will be rolled to determinate the amount

Information: Once Admiral is defeated, players can request to see my turn files from previous turns.

Ritual castings: Two rituals can be casted. The list of allowed rituals has been expanded.
I have now officially moved to the Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.

If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me here.

See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.
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