Here's the link to Ballbarian's RanDOM/SemiRand programs:
As far as knowing map commands, the idea is that you shouldn't need to, since the program is doing the map modification for you. You will basically get just what you asked for above, which is intelligently designed pretenders/nations (although some of the submissions are more viable than others.) If you'd like to make your own map/god files, there's even tools to do that for you (linked in Ballbarian's .sig.) You could even send them back to BB for inclusion in later releases :-)
It still doesn't solve the problems of e.g. over-recruitment of chaff, or not knowing what combination of magic items to put on a thug, or what paths to research first, etc.
I highly suggest following the help here: the program itself is not very intuitive (no offense Ballbarian; it's much appreciated all the same.)