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Old March 3rd, 2010, 04:54 PM

CarpathianDragon CarpathianDragon is offline
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Default Oob 87 - Bulgaria

I was just browsing through the OOBs and came across what I believe is a mistake.

The unit in question is Bulgaria's T-72M2.

Now, web results are quite thin on this vehicle,but I managed to get the following :

- Thermal Vision
- Extra Armor
- C4I
- Various other improvements (anti-IR coating,improved NBC defences,improved skirts,etc)

The in-game Unit 17 T-72M2 is consistent with these changes save one : the 125mm 03 Gun.

This gives the T-72M2's APCR a penetration of 80+. This seems a bit too high.

As far as I can tell, the "03" designation and others similar signify "YYYY-era rounds".

I am certainly no expert, but Bulgaria having basically DU APCR ammo... just doesn't seem right.

Can anybody help clear this up?

Personally I think this is a mistake and the gun should be the same as for T-72M1 (Unit 16). I am unaware of Bulgaria fielding new sabot rounds.
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