Originally Posted by militarist
I would also suggest to have the world round..It creates better balance in case someone grows to fast. And being in the corner of the map, though not always better, but it's not so bad to have your *** covered just by map limitations.
Yeah, but the problem is that the wraparound maps seem to be either ridiciliously huge or 2-6 player maps.
I decided to go for the land of Milk and Honey because the ports make the world a bit rounder. A nation on the top right corner can have access to the player to player in the bottom left corner. It's not perfect, but a tad prettier than the other options I had for a map of this size.
Originally Posted by The Pantokrator
My divine ears heard of a claim that' I'd be somehow opposed to NAP agreements. The truth is opposite of that claim.
For it will not be only strenght that will decide on who will take my place! Let those who are clever and possess silver tongues take advantage of those traits, for the next Pantokrator must be strong like the cosmos itself, clever enough to trick the horrors of unreality and possess charisma like a thousand Seraphs to get the loyalty of the celestials.
Anything less will be a failure and only worth of my wrath.
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