Originally Posted by PatG
Ok I got it - Both the artillery units you selected (OOB 034 units 335 and 333) are class 16. According to the guide, class 16 is:
UnitClass 16=Infantry Support Gun
Now for direct fire type Infantry Gun only - use UnitClass 154 Infantry Howitzer for indirect IG firers.
So the formations you chose were both direct fire only and you won't see them on the arty menu. Try selecting different gun formations including off board to ensure there is no other problem.
Now I understand why they don't appear in the artillery menu, but then I must claim that this classification dosn't make sense.
335 is the germans 15cm sIG 33 and in the german OOB 016 unit 097 it is classified as Class 154. (but in the Greek OOB 031 unit 047 also representing the 15cm sIG 33 it is also class 16)
Unit 333 in the Italian OOB 034 is the Ansaldo 149L17 and in the unit date it is shown that it has a
minimum range of 60!
Can someone explain to me why those guns only shouldn't be in class 154.