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Old February 19th, 2010, 06:15 PM
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Default Re: WinSPww2 v4.0 Bug? Artillery don't show up as artilley

Originally Posted by Charles22 View Post
On a somewhat related note, which I have reported before, but nobody seemed to notice, in my first campaign battle my onboard IG's would target for bombardment but then not bombard after the delay was reached. These were pretty far targets, though the 150mm guns should had reached them anyway. I drew the conclusion then that instead of the bombardment routine not allowing you to target beyond range, as before, they just wouldn't bombard period but still let you target.

Later I picked these same guns for closer bombardment targets and had no problem. I don't think I have a save file from back when I reported it.
Well I just tried a campaign with onboard IG's and they behaved just like onboard IG's not artilery so perhaps that save game might come in handy though this does sound vaguely familiar


Just how far back did you report this ?

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