Everyone needs to remember that he's playing V3 with MP3 sounds. It's when it installs 3.5 that puts the WAV sounds in play that the real problems start and it was 3.5 that ended virtually all of our sound problem complaints except for Evan where everything is reversed

On sound try doing the following
Do you have any internet radio players if so remove them. iPod have you done something strange with it anything sound related.
Call up your sound cards program & check all settings probably on the advanced tab is what you want to be looking at. Most likely has a diagnostic section as well no harm in running.
If all that fails try this workaround as assume V3.5 can still play MP3
Install to version 3
Copy sound folder & save it somewhere for the future.
Install V3.5 & replace sound folder with V3s
Future updates do the same the odd unit might be missing sound but most should be there.
Though it seems to me your problem is far more than sound you report video problems only people with Vista have namely a distorted pallette.
The only other thing I can think of is when you run process monitor see if cidaemon.exe is running.
If you do not clean out your computer regulary this can cause overflow issues.
If it is running you do not need it (or really want it) however
do not shut it down report back here.
Other than that I am at a loss it needs you to be a bit computer savy & try all things suggested & any permutations you can think of like windowed full screen etc & draw a conclusion on whats wrong.