Evan, we established it was a sound problem last December remember ??
Good news and bad news. Good news is it worked. The bad news is I have no
sound now.
and later
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 1:57 PM
Subject: support ticket #3007
Bad news again. I went ahead and updated from the 3.5 to the 4.0 and the
4.5. I got sounds back and everything seemed perfect. I played a full small
mission from a campaign and during the second mission the freeze happened
What all this points to is a sound card problem and or a secondary program running that's using the resources the game wants to use but I'm busy with the MBT patch and I'll leave this for others on the forum to help you
The whole point of turning off all your sounds was to confirm it was sound related but as we see here we thought that once and then you reported the problems resumed
Everyone needs to remember that he's playing V3 with MP3 sounds. It's when it installs 3.5 that puts the WAV sounds in play that the real problems start and it was 3.5 that ended virtually all of our sound problem complaints except for Evan where everything is reversed