Legendary Ordeals - Isokron Wins!
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February 17th, 2010, 10:03 AM
Major General
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Re: Legendary Ordeals
Arrr, the Dungeon Pantokrator has taken the island I had a mind to use as me personal retreat and whisked it off into another dimension. Hmmm, maybe I'll just have to rope off the eastern continent now fer me alone time, we'll have ta see if there are any locals what need to be run off. Meanwhile them lubbers in Jomon done stuck their toes out where the big fish swim. I do so love the jumbo shrimp, but I hear squids got a taste for them as well so the boys dun made a wager with me to see who's gonna get that appetizer first. We'll have ta carve up a mighty large snake first, but Old Pete says he's got a recipe for that to.
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Baalz good player pledge
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