Originally Posted by Isokron
Wouldn't it be better for a arena victory to grant an extra boon instead of a conquest points? Otherwise the first tournaments wouldn't be worth very much but the later might decide the game.
Good observation about the early game reward, getting a boon from winning from the Arena makes sense.
I'm not even sure if anyone will ever recieve the conquest point from the having the champion, because of the no-magic restriction. You only need one guy to bring along something like a Tart, Rudra or national high end mage to make all Bane Lords and the like simply evaraporate.
Also, after a certain point, players will be able to use boon to start the arena deathmatch (sorry about the spoiler, but it is necessary for this discussion). So basically, it will be very easy to take someone's Arena VP away. (reguest for the Arena and decimate the winner with a mage)
Although, I must say that I'm not the most experienced player in this game, so I might be missing something here in my logic. The conquest point from Arena can be replaced if players feel that it should go.
Originally Posted by Baalz
Hmm, also seems like winning via holding the arena champ would necessitate winning with him, then winning again as someone almost certainly would use boon to call for another arena fight in the 3 turns you've got to hold him. Still, winning while holding just 3 extra caps is a fairly low bar that might end the game just when things are getting interesting, maybe one more VP required for the win since it seems likely the winner will have the arena champ.
I'm not really worried about the game ending suddenly. There are very very few conquest point ordeals and they are really really hard. This game won't end like Dramatica, mostly because of the map. The ports make it relatively simple to reach all points of the map and ganging up on someone is really easy. Although, once again, I might be missing something.