Originally Posted by Aethyr
I would like to add my vote for the following mods:
Holy War
FW Thugs
Magic site mod
Standards & Streamers
I moved the mod-vote "tally up" counter to the first post. All of you have until wednesday to vote.
Originally Posted by militarist
Mark of the Champion DBS (mod that disables game-winning bonus sites) and a GM mod
-links to these mods pls?
I added link to the Mark of the Champion mod to the first post. As for the other mods:
DBS: Just disables some sites so that they cannot be randomly generated. If you want to download it, just follow my signature link. From the mod description:
"This mod disables vanilla school bonus sites, which possess at least one of the following: Alteration or Construction bonus of any level, Conjuration or Blood bonus of over 20, or other school bonus over 30."
GM mod: Is a special mod that grants the Pantokrator player free wishes, obsence summons and the like. It only affects me, so it's not that important for testing.
I have now officially moved to the
Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.
If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me
See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.