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Old February 7th, 2010, 11:02 AM

CarpathianDragon CarpathianDragon is offline
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Default Suggestions for OOB 39 Romania

Hello everybody. I have a few suggestions for the Romanian OOB, some fixes and additions.

Here is what I would recommend in OOB 39 - Romania for the next patch :

- Add LAROM Rocket Artillery.

Israeli LAR-160 MK IV rocket pods mounted on Romanian DAC truck. Two pods of 13 rockets each. Apparently can fire cluster munitions, so perhaps include a CM variant? Entered service in 2002.

- Add HAWK XXI Surface to Air Missiles

Acquired from Netherlands, entered service in 2007.

- Add Paratroopers (Section,Platoon,Company) / Remove Airborne Mountain

Romania fielded three paratrooper brigades during the Cold War, downsized to one after 1989 and finally disbanded in 2005 with two battalions still active.

Also, AFAIK, Romanian mountain troops are not trained for airmobile operations,while the paratroopers themselves despite their name are primarily meant to use helicopters (IAR 330 Puma) rather than fixed wing aircraft.

- Remove Aero Lancer II/III RBK cluster bombs

Romania does not have Soviet RBK cluster bombs in its arsenal, therefore the weapon loadout of Aero Lancer II (unit 153) and Aero Lancer III (unit 154) should be similar to Aero Lancer I (unit 146 - bombs loadout, unit 152 - rockets loadout)

- Make MiG-29s unavailable from 2003

The MiG-29 the retired from service in March 2003 due to lack of spare parts (which Russia understandably was not keen to supply). Units 145,155,156

- Remove MT-LBs

Romania did not and is not using these. Units 221,222.

- Future Strike Element : JAS-39C Gripen

Romania has been looking to replace its MiG-21 rust-rockets and the second-hand Dutch F-16s apparently were favored. However, with the whole economic crisis thing, the Gripen will likely be the chosen plane due to cheaper purchase and maintenance costs. Recommnended starting date : 2015.
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