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Old July 8th, 2002, 06:08 AM
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Default Re: More questions, part 2

Originally posted by Silent Sorrow:
1. Can point defence cannons shoot down energy-based missiles/torpedoes?
AFAIK yes.

23. A massive shield depleter is showing up as doing only "1K" damage. Is that a misprint of some kind? Also the fire rate is showing as 30, as in thirty. That can't be right.
Yes, the weapon does "1K" damage -- as in, "1,000" damage.

And yes, the weapon has a reload/fire rate of 30 ... meaning, it will fire only once per combat --- make it count!

4. If stealth armour is described as "only one component per ship effective" does that mean there's no pint adding more than one of them? Same for the other armours or do they stack?
The "only one" is referring to the special abilities, otherwise 5 stealth armors would make the ship utterly, permanently immune to most scanners .... and provide more defensive % benefit than an ECM module.

Scattering armor, IIRC, similarly doesn't stack it's special abilities. Nor emissive armor, apparently.

Their hitpoints do, of course, stack.

Crystal and Organic armors' special abilities most certainly do stack. Unless their enemy is using armor-penetrating weapons (i.e. Shard Cannons), Organic Armor kicks posterior like nothign else (picture a dreadnaught with twenty Organic Armors and a few peashooters ... w/o armor-penetrating guns, you will never destroy it ... ever).

5. What is the difference between fleet and ship training? That is, is there any reason not to build fleet training facilities only and keep all ships in a fleet, even if it's a fleet of one?
Build both. They stack (that is to say, a 20% ship in a 20% fleet, has a net of 40% benefit ...!).

6. How does multiplex tracking work exactly? I watched some of my ships in action and it appeared that they didn't attack a second target after the first was destroyed even though they had weapons that had not fired yet.
Probably the other targets weren't in range, or the chance to hit was too low -- an issue of planning.
-- Sean
-- GMPax

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