Originally Posted by gila
It also could be good for favorite scenarios and pbem, didn't see a discussion forum maybe i missed it.
Patches we can get here, mods (although i'm wary about useing them) can be hard to find so you may have something there
Cheers to you nuNce for trying!
Well that got the ball rolling you already have a forum here I thought the whole idea was a site you could log onto & quickly find what you were after, a one stop express shop if you will without all the clutter associated with forums. Basicly hes offering to do most of the work for you & from what I saw icamps comment is correct kept it clean & clear which makes finding what you want simple. Adding baggage will just slow your shopping trip its goal is to provide easy access to downloadable Camo relevant content. Possibly as hosting scenerios a forum for discusing these rating them for playability etc but thats about it. Sorry if misunderstood nunce