namad, I can relate to your frustration. I can tell you that I have been frustrated in the past with dominions b/c of one reason or another. For me the root cause is that I got really involved in my games, too involved for my own good
So at the past I could get upset by in game events like unexpected betrayals for example or what I considered to be unfair alliances against me. I never spoke much about this b/c I considered the fault to have been my own and always reminded myself of the "it's just a game" mantra. For me, it helped.
Also, I've witnessed first person on many occasions players that got so mad about dominions, or more accurately, fellow players. I've known at least one player who has completely slammed the door on dominions. Another that was extremely upset with me for reasons I don't want to mention (so as to keep that Pandora box close

Anyway, all that said I think it would be really nice of you to cont. playing this game. This would be very considerate towards all the players. You see, even a small nation that goes AI so early can create serious ripples in power balance and give unfair advantage to its opportunistic neighbors thus punishing most other players in the game and rewarding whom is/are your current enemies. This is mainly the reason I myself don't surrender even when all hope is gone. My meager reward is conjuring the face of my oppressor as he checks his turns and realizes how dearly he pays to gain my last territories
Anyway it's just a request. If playing this game so chaffs on your nerves then by all means go ahead & reject it.