Hello fellow 'Dominators', or should I say 'Dominioners'...
Anyway here I am, 28 years of age, coming from the Netherlands, Europe. Same as Flop above me, I tried the demo several times before in the last couple of years and eventhough it kept me coming back to check it out I somehow never really had the time, or wanted to commit the time to learn the game properly.
Still, like I said, the game attracts me and finally I have decided to order it.
So I am waiting for my delivery with only the demo to play with for now, but I am sure that will do for your first game anyway!
I would like to get involved into multiplayer games and one idea I've been playing around with is to setup a game where commited players will also commit to keeping a blog of their progression. This can be in fanfiction form, or just summing up their plans and the status of those plans per turn.
After the game has finished, or maybe even at a pre determined spot during the game, all blogs, AARs and whatnot are posted in a dedicated thread so that people can read exactly how the others were faring during specific points in the game.
Just for laughs and of course, to learn!
No matter how good or bad my ideas are. First I need to learn the game and -even more important- get it delivered.