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Old October 27th, 2009, 01:21 PM
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Default Re: exp of ammo carrier: useless?

Originally Posted by francoisD View Post
i have checked the ammo carrier class description, and to be sure, i ask whether experimented ammo carriers supply ammunition faster or not (i guess, not)

so they are useless in a core in a LC?
Suppressed units will supply ammo at a lesser rate - or not at all, so an experienced ammo unit may tip the difference if under fire and it does not blow up. (The supplied unit also suffers from the suppression and may not take any ammo, even if the supplier is OK). However, getting out from under the incoming fire is more sensible for both the supplier and the supplied unit.

If you have hung around with an ammo unit alongside a firing unit that it is receiving incoming mail, then your tactics have of course failed anyway. You should move mortars etc about, and do resupply away from the firing position. I love opponents who park boom-boom trucks by their field arty!

The better supply under fire is thus less than marginally useful. Effectively useless as core I think in WW2 . Added experience increases their value, and so the amount of points the OPFOR is allocated.

On the other hand - you do then always have them to hand, and so do not have to use support points on them. So perhaps a couple of mobile ammo units might be worthwhile in the core, but ammo bunkers less so. A fleet of ammo trucks - probably not a good core item in WW2. Your opinion may vary in MBT if you have several missile platforms (area SAM, attack helo).

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