Originally Posted by Mobhack
Originally Posted by stormbringer3
I know that the overwhelming consensus is to never change the AO unit. I completely understand that changing the AO into an armor unit is looking for a sudden game over. My question is what are the downsides to changing it to another infantry type unit such as a mountain unit to match the rest of my mountain infantry. I always have 3 FOs as part of my core force so I don't use my AO as a spotter.
Thanks for any opinions.
If you have enough spotters, then you could change A0 to a grunt type. But that might make you use him in combat more, and so risk losing him and ending your campaign (if not a PBEM). You also would need a bigger vehicle than a jeep to move him about.
The HQ (whatever you decide to make him) is not intended to get engaged in combat.
Since we on this topic,
I'm playing the first battle of a pbem campaign.
My opponent landed some gliders near my A0 nearly on top of them to be more exact!
Luckily,some were shot-up upon landing and maybe routed, i killed a sniper, but i could still lose my HQ.
If that were to happen,would this mean the campaign is over?
I know playing against the AI it would "checkmate" Your are done!,but first time this situation has happened in this way.
You seem to infer that in Pbem campaigns,gives me hope, it's not "checkmate",