Thread: Bug Wish List
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Old October 18th, 2009, 09:45 AM

mosborne mosborne is offline
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Default Bug Wish List

Hi Guys,
Very grateful for the work put in over the years, so please don't take this as a complaint.

I would like to recommend some fixes for the game if possible.

1) I've noticed that artillery units are non-effective in direct fire against infantry with their cannon when played by human, but when played by computer the cannon works. In several games, I fired at an infantry unit (both stationary) in less than 10 hexes with no results using high caliber shells. This seems pretty consistent. No problem with indirect fire.

2) A one man "crew", with pistol only, can suppress a MBT loaded with infantry even after being fired on to the point of retreating by several other units. When a MBT moves next to it, it recovers and makes two close assaults on a MBT, killing half the riders.

"I picture, this one guy running from a tank that is chasing him, with several riders on top with the guy in their sights, then the guy stops running, turns around, pulls out his 9mm and fires at the tank. The tank crew is so shocked that they freeze in their seats having never seen such courage. The riders drop their guns and run for their lives, some falling because of the expert shots from the crew man."

Is there any way to put a check on infantry so that if they don't have an AT weapon then they can't assault armor or if they are retreating and approach by heavy armor they continue to retreat or surrender. As I recall, this is the case with some units (I think scouts with no AT weapons) who instead move out of the way.

3) "Z" fire seems to be overly effective. Recommend either making the unit that is "Z" firing expend 3x the ammo or institute a rule that infantry can not "Z" fire at least, or maybe limit the suppression generation by infantry (infantry can make no suppressions greater than 4 by "Z" firing.

4) I've noticed that sometimes when an infantry unit "Z" fires, it losses the rest of its turn (i.e. no more shots, even though it had 5 to start off with). Perhaps this is another solution to "3" above, but this happens very inconsistently, maybe once or twice during a game, if at all.

I know we had the discussion about the difficulty in getting in to change the code, so no problem if these are too difficult, but just thought I ought to raise them as issues.

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